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Privacy Policy


The value of our customers is paramount and any step needed to protect customer and their interests is of prime importance to Vertex Market Research (VMR). Having communicated this across sections in the company and clients, we have a globally lauded process that upholds privacy and protects consumer values and data. Since this holds the highest importance in the order of business values, we have created a detailed privacy policy that strives to cover every tiny aspect of customer privacy during their journey with VMR.

Protecting Children Rights

There is a reason why we place this on the top of the list. Audience below 13 years is a sensitive group and VMR feels more responsible than ever to protect child rights. None of our content is directed to children below 13 years. In case, we learn about content or any form of information that is not suitable to the said audience, we promptly remove the information and the user account from the site.

Data Protection

With the General Data Protection Regulation implemented in May 2018, VMR is one of the first in the business to have complied with the regulations. As a company and a responsible influencer of the global and regional economies though in a miniscule way, VMR has stood apart from the rest in the business in living up to the regulations implemented in the best interest of the customer.

While following the law of the land to protect user data is one, VMR has, in its own capacity, taken steps to protect user data. As you read this, it is highly recommended that you read VMR’s policies and know what it means to do business with us.

Information Collection

Business today revolve around data and it has become imperative for every business that thrives on the digital platform to rely on data. As a result, VMR collects some information that are prudent for business. We ask for name, email, phone number, company, designation, and contact details. While these information are sought for an effective business experience, VMR promises to make use of these details responsibly and only on a need basis.

On the other hand, VMR also uses cookies to collect data of a user who visit the website. However, the user is flagged off about the same whenever he/she visits the website through a disclaimer. We recommend that the user read the cookies policy before continuing their experience on the website.

Besides this, we also gather generic data from the user’s IP address to know their geographical location, website traffic and more that might help in bettering our efforts in marketing and other processes. We do not acquire any personal information during this process.

How We Use Your Information?

Personal Information - Under no circumstances do we permit sharing user’s personal information. An exceptional circumstance would be in the case of a request from the government or local governing authority. Also, we only utilize the information provided to improve our services and offer products and services promised to the user. At the same time, we might also use the information to verify your details and qualifications.

Anonymous Information - We procure anonymous information from the user’s IP address, but we never indulge in examining the same to acquire personal information. However, we utilize the details from the IP to understand traffic and help us develop better policies to suit our business interests. At the same time, we may use an anonymous IP to check our server requirements or meet specific website requirements from the client. Further, we may share the traffic data with advertisers or other agencies to help improve our marketing campaigns.

Cookies - Like mentioned earlier, we use cookies to acquire user data on the website. Essentially used for understanding user behavior, this data also helps user from re-entering credentials every login. Advertorial or promotional content on the website may also contain cookies and VMR does not have any control over content from advertisers or other agencies on its website.

Disclosing Personal Information - We disclose personal information only under the following circumstances

  • If the government or any regulatory body seeks for information under the law of the land
  • Protect and safeguard the rights of the company
  • Act against any illegal or frivolous activity to protect the public and the consumer

Sale of Information - VMR will under no condition sell your information. However, in case the company decides to sell a portion or the entire company, then the data acquired is sold to the buyer as part of sales of all assets including consumer data.

Access to Information - Keeping in mind the company’s interests and that of the other users we do not encourage access to user information. However, we do accommodate individual requests from users or clients to make changes or delete a portion of their information or the entire account. This, however, is done after evaluating the request.


While VMR strives to ensure all data acquired from the user is protected, there is no assurance offered from our end to prevent instances of data loss or misuse from third party websites or other forms of data breach.

  • All data provided by you is stored with VMR and under no circumstance, it is allowed to be shared with third-party
  • VMR has its own customer relationship management platform that is protected with firewalls and hence gives it an upper hand in protecting user data
  • User data is always kept confidential and VMR leaves no effort to leave user data unprotected
  • Further, after all these efforts, if a data leak is reported by a user, VMR is open for an investigation into the matter. VMR will not be held responsible for data leak by another party, person, organization or whomsoever, and is not bound by any legal formalities for the same.

Loss incurred by the customer at the personal or professional front in any form is his/her/their responsibility. Neither VMR nor any of its associates are responsible in any form whatsoever for the loss incurred and will not be bound by any legal liabilities. Also, the customer agree to hold VMR accountable for any such loss incurred at any point in their personal or professional fronts.

Third Party Content

Besides its own content and tools, VMR also uses content and information from third party websites. In some cases, you may also find links to them. VMR, however, does not hold responsibility for the quality, form, or any other aspect related to the content on the third party website. We also, do not account for any loss or damage incurred to the consumer electronically, physically, monetarily, or in any other form, due to the third party website or content.

Contact Us

To clarify your doubts or know more about the privacy policy, please write to us at support@vertexmarketresearch.com

Updates and Changes

Any data update on the user profile is strictly made on user request. Information provided by VMR are based on extensive research and our analysts use proven and tested methods to provide data. On the other hand, content on the website is the result of logical and prudent research. However, to err is human. VMR does not warrant that all content published on the website in any form, and the research report provided is free of errors. We, of course, strive to provide the best quality information, and will always continue to do so.

Electronic Communications

Communication hold a prolific place in beholding trust between two valued parties. At VMR, a customer visiting our website or writing to us through emails, is deemed to be communicating with us electronically. Further, all communications from our end will be made via emails or through announcements, notices, disclaimers, or other forms of communication on our website. Through such communications, you agree that all communication made by VMR to you electronically are provided in writing.

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